Page 23 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 23

                                                                      A PHOTO ESSAY BY LEW G. BROWN

        Our family has a tradition. Whenever we gather for special events, like birthdays or holidays,
        we charge someone, and sometimes everyone, with asking a thought-provoking question that
        everyone has to answer.  One of my questions has been, “If there were really such a thing as a
        dependable time machine, where in history would you want to go?”

        I think this question came from watching Wal-       is a city that overwhelms me with feelings. On
        ter Cronkite host the CBS television network  many visits I have said, “I wish I could have
        news series, “You Are There.”  Each week, CBS  lived here to see what life was like as the peo-
        reporters would appear at the sites of reenacted  ple  and  politicians  led  the  fledgling  country
        historic events and report them as though they  into the Civil War.” I wonder what it felt like to
        were occurring in real time.  Cronkite conclud-     worship in those grand churches in the midst
        ed each installment by intoning, "What sort of  of such political and social turmoil. I wonder
        day was it? A day like all days, filled with those  how  it  felt  to  be  among  the  rich  and  promi-
        events  that  alter  and  illuminate  our  times...  nent citizens who dwelt in the palatial homes
        all things are as they were then, and you were  that still stand watch over the harbor. I won-
        there."  In addition to providing viewers with  der what it was like to live and party in those
        the facts about what occurred at the particular  homes or at the surrounding plantations. I
        event, the installments succeeded in evoking a  wonder how it felt to traverse the cobblestone
        sense of what it must have felt like to be there,  streets or watch ships leave the port, bound for
        as the series title implied.                        faraway places.  I wonder what it felt like to be
          In answer to my own question, at the top of  a slave—to have another person own me.
        my list of destinations for time travel would be    So,  as  I  considered  potential  photo  essay
        Charleston in 1860. You might wonder why I  topics  for this  architecture  and construc-
        would select Charleston, given the thousands  tion-themed  issue  of  NyghtVision  magazine,
        of places and events one might choose to visit.     I jumped at the chance to return to Charles-
          One  reason  is  that  my  daughter  has  lived  ton’s historic district, to take photographs that
        in Charleston and in Folly Beach for over ten   capture the richness and variety of the city’s
        years.  Because  of  this,  my  wife  and  I  have  architecture and the depth and breadth of the
        visited  the  city  many  times.  We  find  that   feelings that surface whenever I visit.
        we never tire of visiting Charleston—the city
        is  alive  with  new  things  in  the  midst  of  old  What I feel in Charleston is tension.
          The main reason I’d like to travel back in        1 Wikipedia, s.v. "You Are There (series)," last modified March 23,
        time to this place, however, is that Charleston     2013,

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