Page 19 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 19




                            NYGHTFALCON CAPTURES

                            the Intangible

                            ESSENCE of A BuildiNG

                             BY DONNa EMMAR Y

              n the commercial construction industry,  of a building’s essence and portray that feel-
              a  vital  part  of  successful  marketing  is  ing in spectacular photography.
        I having access to an assortment of daz-              The  House  of  NyghtFalcon  consistently

        zling  photographs  of  finished  buildings  to  does exactly that. Frank L. Blum Construction
        show potential customers                                                Company  has  been  work-
        the kind of product a qual-      What an exceptional                    ing  with  Falcon  and  JD

        ity firm can produce.                                                   since 2007, when we con-
          Run-of-the-mill,  point-       construction company needs is          tracted with them to pho-
        and-shoot  images  by  em- an intuitive photographer                    tograph  the  new  YWCA

        ployees  just  won’t  do  the    who can capture the intangible         building  in  Winston-Sa-
        job.  Even  better-quality       aspects of a building’s essence        lem. The geographic area

        shots from high-end cam-                                                where the structure is lo-
        eras  by  good  photogra-        and portray that feeling in            cated was being revitalized
        phers  aren’t  going  to  de-    spectacular photography.               as  part  of  the  city’s  plans

        pict  a  building’s  nature                                             to create a welcoming en-
        well  enough  to  differentiate  one  contractor  trance to the city. The YWCA built its beauti-
        from another. What an exceptional construc-         ful facility to reach out primarily to families
        tion company needs is an intuitive photogra-        in nearby neighborhoods that had previously
        pher who can capture the intangible aspects  been  under-served.  It  offers  state-of-the-art

                                                                                                  SPRING 2013 | 19
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