Page 20 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 20
exercise areas, a teaching kitchen, basketball/
NYGHTFALCON SHOTS OF volleyball courts, and a swimming pool with
BUILDINGS BY FRANK L. BLUM family-friendly locker rooms and a water park
feature to a population that had not traditionally
had access to such facilities.
As unusual as it sounds, our instruction to Fal-
con was to capture this building as if it were “a
BELOW: High voltage wires,
vestiges of the brown field grand lady of pride and strength and grace who was
being reclaimed, are visible matriarch of a family whose fortunes were spent.”
alongside a gracefully And he and JD did a magnificent job of telling the
curved wall and patio. This
beautiful building is a beacon visual story of that building’s purpose and vision,
in a blighted neighborhood producing images that still enhance proposals, pre-
and Falcon very simply sentations, and advertising for our firm.
captured that feeling without
belaboring the point. Since that time, we have trusted NyghtFalcon
to produce spectacular images of senior
living communities, higher education in-
stitutions, religious facilities, non-profit
organizations, healthcare environments,
and more. Falcon begins every assign-
ment with a conversation about what
ABOVE: The Village House was built along with a four-story apartment building—
two live construction sites simultaneously.
20 | structural storytelling