Page 17 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 17

es are omnipresent and I am always in black,  methodology  is designed  to  accomplish  two
        I assume that I am seen as distant and myste-       things: The first is that it allows us to create
        rious. The pattern is usually the same: I notice  images that look as though they were created
        that I am being watched, and then, after some  using  only  ambient  light.  We  know  we  have
        period of time, the watcher musters the cour-       accomplished  this  when  (a)  an  image  looks
        age to approach me.                                 exactly the way the human eye would see it,
          The  questions  are  often  the  same  as  well.  and (b) there is no evidence that we have used
        Generally, the first question posed is about my  strobes, a flash, or any other form of supple-
        dark glasses. Then, we work our way to what  mental light.  The second is that no matter
        I do "professionally." By this point in the con-    what we are photographing, our use of light,
        versation the watcher knows that I don't see  color,  detail,  texture,  and  contrast  evoke  an
        much color, so when I reveal that I am a pho-       emotional experience in the people who view
        tographer, they are surprised. After another  our  images.  Color,  detail,  texture,  and  con-
        five or six questions, he or she inevitably asks,  trast, we have learned, are a function of how
        "What kind of photography do you do?"               a scene is lit. The closer we come to lighting a
          "We do all kinds," I usually respond.             scene as the human eye would see it, the more
          "Really? I thought photographers specialize."  emotionally powerful the viewer's experience
          From  here,  you  can  probably  imagine  the  will be. Emotion, after all, is a function of col-
        rest of the conversation.                           or, detail, contrast, and texture.
          Our "specialty" is our methodology. Like the    It doesn't matter what we are photograph-
        culture of a living society, how we apply that  ing. Be it a person, a car, or fine cuisine, we
        methodology  continues to grow and change  approach the shot in the same way, asking the
        as  new  challenges  present  themselves.  I  can  same questions with the same goal in mind:
        promise you that we are able to adapt in real  Capturing, creating, and conveying emotion. ■
        time—in  the  moment—because  everything
        we do is grounded in our methodology. This

                                                                                      Cityscape: Charlotte, NC.

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