Page 21 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 21
emotion or reaction we want to convey to view- Potential clients have only to see Falcon and
ers; then he and JD simply nail it. JD’s amazing photos to immediately under-
Blum Construction was chosen to build two stand that Blum Construction can handle any
major structures in the crowded heart of Pe- complicated construction project whether it
nick Village retirement community in South- be on a tight site, an occupied campus, or liter-
ern Pines. With very little area for staging and ally in the front yards of concerned residents.
construction sandwiched between an admin- A large part of our success in winning new
istration building and individual residenc- business can be attributed to the NyghtFalcon
es, this was the tightest space our team had images that we have on hand to use in submit-
ever seen. As one of our managers described ted proposals and in-person presentations.
it, “The only way to do this job is to build the Falcon and JD are the intuitive duo who cap-
buildings somewhere else and drop them in ture the intangible aspects of a construction
from a helicopter!” challenge and portray that in spectacular pho-
After successfully completing both build- tography for us.
ings on time and within budget, both the com-
munity’s management and its residents were Donna Emmary is a twenty-five-year veteran
of Marketing and Public Relations efforts for
extremely happy with the results. We contract- business and non-profit organizations. She
ed with Falcon for the usual finished “beauty lives in North Carolina with her black cat,
shots,” but with a request that he somehow il- Loretta Young.
lustrate that extremely tight site.
ABOVE: The Village House was built along with a four-story apartment building— ABOVE: The apartment building is situated only a pedestrian sidewalk-width
two live construction sites simultaneously. away from occupied residences with anxious inhabitants.
SPRING 2013 | 21