Page 34 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 34
5. Composition Learning to SEE through the lens.
How do we create emotionally poweful images? By of composition, establishing and using context hasn’t
being in the moment. By being aware of what we are any hard and fast rules. There are only guidelines.
feeling and experiencing. Not by letting the presence of Composition has three contexts: Near or immediate,
the camera distract us. intermediate, and extreme.
In a photograph, emotion is the “product” of compo- Near context is closest to the focus of one’s compo-
sition, color, texture, contrast and detail. This doesn’t sition. Note that we didn’t use the word “cen-
mean that monochrome images can’t be or aren’t emo- ter”. The focus of one’s composition could
tionally powerful. They are and even in the absence of be off to oneside just as it could be in
color, their emotional power is born in composition, the center. The near context is of-
texture, detail, and contrast. ten a function of the relation-
If objects exist in space and time, composition is the ship amongst objects that
result of how we establish the relationship amongst are spatially close to
objects and ultimately to us. one another.
That relationship is based upon how we see the world,
how we experience the emotional power of the mo- Interme-
ment. So, there is no right or wrong way to establish diate
that relationship visually.
Unlike the Rule of Thirds, or more traditional theories
34 Boot Camp, Part 1