Page 39 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 39

Step Two: Engage                                          edging that one cannot control or determine how
                                                                    the viewer will respond to what we have experi-
          Engagement involves a radical detachment from             enced.
          everything  and  everyone  except  that  which  has
          taken hold of one’s attention. For that moment,           Step Four: Create
          there is nothing else to look at, nothing else upon
          which to focus. And nothing exists beyond this            This is the moment when the shutter is pressed.
          moment and this place.                                    At that instant, the moment is over, held forever,
                                                                    unalterable and fixed. It belongs to the past, how-
          Step Three: Respond                                       ever much it continues to be present to us in the
                                                                    image to which we have given birth.
          Responding to the world involves honesty, open-
          ness and vulnerability. One must be open to the           Step Five: Detach
          world in order to respond to its disclosure. To
          receive that disclosure one must also be honest           To detach os to let go. If we do not detach, we
          about what one is experiencing and feeling.               remain in the past with the moment that is now
                                                                    gone. We block the next moment from entering
          To be open and honest is also to be vulnerable -          into our experience. We close ourselves to the
          vulnerable to a range of emotion one might oth-           disclosure of the world.
          erwise prefer not to experience, or, vulnerable to
          joy and pain and sadness and beauty....

          But most of all, being vulnerable means acknowl-

                                                                                   Seeing the World Again. For the First Time.     39
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