Page 40 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 40

Exercise One: Context & Composition

       If you can, clear a table - a kitchen table usually works well - and gather some random objects. You
       can use coffee cups, plates, books, any thing. Select one of those objects and place it in the center of
       the table. Arrainge the other objects around it in a circular pattern. Keep the ring of objects about
       3-4 inches away. Now add a second ring, about 7-8 inches away. As best as you can. use your camera
       - looking through the view finder unless you have a “pont and shoot”
       camera - frame some photos from the inner ring.

       Depending upon the camera and the lens you may have some prob-
       lems focusing that closely. If you do, then move the rings further
       away from the center object. See the diagram below for a visual guide
       to how to set things up.

     40   Boot Camp, Part 1
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