Page 45 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 45

Seeing through the Lens                                         Teaching the Camera to See.....

      But the camara is not the human eye and it is not           ate images that are both emotionally powerful and
      connected to the human brain. It sees exactly what          which look much the human eyes would have seen
      is in front of it and nothing more. It cannot make          the same scene, then it is up to us to understand
      a judgement call. It can’t fill in the blanks. It can’t     how the camera sees the world.
      add detail to a floor that is so bright it is blown out.    Remember, emotion is a function of color, contrast,
      Seeing through the lens is teaching the camera to           detail, texture, and composition. Composition is
      see the world as we do.                                     drive n not by symmetry or balance but by the
      So, how does that happen? How can we teach the                         experience of space and time - how ob-
      camera to see the world as we do? First, we be-                         jects related to each other and to me.
      gin by understanding how the camera                                      The more profound that experience,
      sees the world. Second, we use that         “The world does not           the more powerful an image.
      information to  our advantage so           passively impose itself         Some of our interpretation of the
      that are true to our experience of the  on our mind. Rather it               brain looks for “visual clues” from
                                                                                  world  comes  from  experience.  The
      that we can change not only how the
                                                     has to be actively in-
      camera sees the world, but also how
      we use the camera to create images
                                                                                    which to build an image of the
      does not learn from experience. It can’t  terpreted” - Bruce Hood           ry, built into the brain’s neural net-
                                                                                     world. Those visual clues are, at
                                                                                     least according to present theo-
      We must also remember that the camera
                                                                           work. One philosopher, Kant, called these
      alter its perception of the world the way                    clues Transcendental Categories. While Kant be-
      we can. What it sees is what it sees. It is       ve ry     lieved that these categories “matched” structures
      literal in its view of the world. So, if we are to cre-     in the world, that is a hypothesis not shared by ev-
                                                                                   Seeing the World Again. For the First Time.     45
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