Page 50 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 50

9. NyghtVision Part 2

             Mastering the mechanics of the camera requires a ritual to help us stay in the moment.

          It should come as no surprise that there is anoth-         most cameras are designed so that changing shutter
          er ritual we use to ensure maximum image quality.          speed is quick and each. Changing ISO and some-
          That ritual begins with the fact that the less sensitive   times the F-stop can require accessing a menu. Once
          to light a camera is, the better the image quality will    your eyes leave a scene, you have stepped out of the
          be.                                                        moment. At that point, you have lost your emotional
          Remember, also, that without ritual, our use of the        connection to the world. Whatever we do, we don’t
          camera can be unpredictable, and in the end, having        want that to happen.
          to think too much can distract us from the moment          One more comment. Most cameras have four modes
          and that is never good. We have only one chance to         of operation: Automatic (or Program), TV/TE (you
          capture a moment. We can never go back. We can’t           set the shutter speed and the camera does the rest),
          fix it if we have lost it.                                 AV/AE (you set the F-stop and the camera does the

          If the camera produces its best images when it is less     rest), and manual mode.When you work in a mode
          sensitive to light then at all costs we want to make       other than manual, you are letting the camera think
          sure that our ritual makes sure that happens.              for you. At that point, you might gain ease of use but
                                                                     you will likely lose image quality.
          Our ritual will also take advantage of the fact that

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