Page 51 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 51
NyghtVision Ritual/2
1. Shutter Speed
2. F- Stop
3. ISO
1. We start by setting our ISO between 100 and 200 F-stop your lens allows only then do you raise your
and our F-stop to 8. We adjust our shutter speed ac- ISO.
cordingly. 5. Always under expose by 1/2 to one F-stop to en-
2. If the shutter speed it too high (fast), or if we can’t sure there are no “blown out” areas. White means
get a properly exposed image, raise the F-stop. no information. Detail can always be gotten out of
3. If the shutter speed becomes too slow, 1/60th pf the long as the total dynamic range is no
a second when photographing people for example), more than two F-stops. More about this in the next
lower the F-stop so more light will enter the camera. chapter
4. When you are at 1/60th of a second and the lowest
Seeing the World Again. For the First Time. 51