Page 48 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 48

8. How the Camera Works

        The Art of Seeing through the Lens

       The mechanics of the camera is rather simple: Light         Every time you open a JPG, data is lost. Over time,
       enters the camera through the lens. Once the shutter        that loss of data can have a significant impact on the
       is opened, light then strikes the camera’s sensor and       image. Yes, RAW  images take more space  on your
       that creates an image. Then the digital circuitry on the    memory card, but in the end, your images will look
       camera converts what the camera saw to a format a           much better.
       comuputer can understand.                                   Before we talk in more detail about how the camera
       The image created by the sensor is called a RAW im-         works, there are a couple of things we need to review:
       age. It contains everything the sensor “saw”. Saving
       an image to a JPG in the camera deletes up to 80% of        1. However similar in principle, a digital camera is not
       what the camera actually saw. So, it is best to have the    like a film camera. There are significant differences.
       camera save the image in its RAW format and then
       convert that image to a TIF or JPG in the computer.         2. It is important to think in terms of how a digital
       By the way,  it is best to save the converted RAW im-       camera works in order to get the best images possible.
       age as a TIF since that format maintains all the data.

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