Page 47 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 47

tionally powerful photographs. Wittgenstein drew
          Learning how to “see” interpola-                           a distinction between language which says (the
          tion                                                       language of logic and reason) and language which
                                                                     shows (the language of art and emotion.). Showing
          v Understand the relationship between the angle,           is strengthened by your ability to understand and
          direction and intensity of the sun and color tem-          use interpolation.
          perature. The camera sees color based upon the
          temperature of light. If it is 1:00 PM on a summer
          afternoon, the camera will see the sky as gray.

          v Understand how each lens you use shapes
          the camera’s view of space and the relationship
          amongst objects. As we shall see, this is a function
          of the design of the lens as well as how the lens is
          set. We call this setting aperture and we will dis-
          cuss this in depth later in this book.
          v  Never assume that what you see is what the
          camera will see. Focus on learning and under-
          standing how the camera will see the world. The
          more experienced you  become at  doing this, the
          more effective your photos will be.
          v Learning to understand how a camera and lens
          sees the world is the beginning of creating emo-

                                                                                   Seeing the World Again. For the First Time.     47
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