Page 56 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 56

11. Understanding Space

                                   Changing the way the camera sees the world.

           The camera is a two domensional tool for rendering the world. It is not able to   perceives space: Depth of field,
           interpolate either so its vision of the world is often flat despite what the human eye   the circle of confusion, and mi-
           saw when the image was created. Lets look at ways to address this problem..  nimum focusing distance.

           So, you have mastered your camera. You know what to do in every              All three are a function of two
           situation. You pack your camera bag and head out for some recrea-            things - how the lens is designed
           tional photography. Then, when you return home and look at your              (the  number of glass elements
           images on your computer, while you have mastered the art of stri-            in  the  lens  essentially)  and the
           king color, the images are totally flat. There is no depth. No sense of      aperture at which an image is
           space. They look nothing like what you remember........                      created.

           How do you keep this from happening? Understanding how the ca-               Rule of thumb - the higher the
           mera sees space is as critical as understanding how the camera sees          aperture, the greater the depth
           color. There are three key elements that control how the camera              of  field.  Hence,  an  F-stop  of  8
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