Page 59 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 59
The image on the facing tracting from the drama of
page is a case in point. Lets her eyes.
take a closer look at it. 3. The fact that she is loo-
1. Aside from the dramatic king away from the camera
lighting, note that while the further enhances the emo-
eye closest to us is in depth tion of the moment.
of field and sharply in fo- In fact, every time I look
cus, her other eye is not. It at this image I find myself
is much softer. wondering exactly what she
2. The same is true of her is feeling. And that is the
necklace. It is sharp enough point. Capture the viewer
to see the detail but soft and do not let him or her
enough to fade away into go.
the background without de-
Seeing the World Again. For the First Time. 59