Page 38 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 38

6. The Second Ritual:

              Emotion & Composition

      Learning to Focus on Emotion.

       An image that is technically perfect can be cold and emotionless. The idea is to bring emotion and technique together.
       How we see the world is a function of many things, in-       Step One: Observe.
       cluding the language we speak, and what we have been
       told about the world.  In fact, we see what we have been     It sounds easy, but it isn’t.  Observation isn’t just about
       told we will see and we find what we have been told we       looking at the world. It also involves letting go  of ev-
       will find.                                                   erything you have been told about the world. It is about

       If we look at the world the way everyone else does, then     letting go of expectatons as well. Heidegger, a philos-
       our images will look just like everyone elses.               opher, talked about letting the world disclose itself to
                                                                    us. Being open to the world’s disclosure of itself to us is
       How  do  we  get  past  this?  How  do  we  see  the  world   the essence of observation. This is where you set your
       again, for the first time?                                   camera.

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