Page 33 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 33
“ can be defined as that primate
disclose s that emerged at the point of evolution
to us, our where instinctive determination had
experience reached a minimum and the develop-
of the world ment of the brain a maximum. ...Gifted
around us with self-awareness and reason, man
and at the is aware of himself as a being separa-
same time,
holds before te from nature and from others. He is
us a mirror. aware of his powerlessness, of his igno-
Writing in “The rance; he is aware of his end: death....
Critique of He is part of nature, subject to her phy-
Pure Reason,” sical laws, and unable to change them,
Kant argued and yet he transcends nature....”
that objects ex- Erich Fromm
ist in space and
in time. Space is
their relationship
to each other and time their re-
lationship to us as individuals.
And the “origin” of time? Our mortali-
ty. How we respond to our expierience
of mortality isn’t logical; it is emotio-
Seeing the World Again. For the First Time. 33