Page 32 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 32

Emotion, Art, Being Human                                                    Learning to feel through the lens

          Art is a reflection of our sense of who we are and what makes us human.

          At the beginning his “Ascent of Man” Bronows-               minished and in the face of that diminishment a
          ki finds himself in Es Castillo - then the oldest           kind of crisis of identity has ensured.
          known occurence of human hand prints. They are              If NOT logic and reason , then what is it that makes
          everywhere.  After  reflecting upon these ancient           us human?
          hand  prints,  Bronowski  concludes,  “I,  a  Human,
          did this.”                                                  Ironically, it is our ability to experience emotion
          There is a tendency, especially in the West, to un-         over time. Ironically because we rarely accord emo-
                                                                      tion a status equal to or greater than logic and re-
          derstand that which makes us uniquely human as              ason. So, while we know that other creatures seem
          a reflection upon our use of language, or, upon our         to mourn their dead, and therefore experience
          ability  to  make  tools, or, our abiity  to  solve  pro-   grief, only we return to the place where we buried
          blems using logic and reason.                               our dead and in that return we experience again all
          Except that we now know that we are not the only            the emotions associated with that person or place.
          species that makes tools, reasons to solve complex          This is why art transcends language and culture - art
          problems, or builds abstract language from com-             touches us beyond logic and discursive language.
          mon words. In fact, even machines built upon a te-          It transencds the seperateness that is the mark of
          chnology pioneered by Hopfield and Shannon now              our being in the world. Moreover, each time we re-
          appear to reason faster and more effciently than            turn to a work of art, our sense of the moment that
          we, its creator, can.                                       was the genesis of that creation changes, deepened
          The sphere of what is unique to our species has di-         by our experience of ourselves and the world. Art

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