Page 70 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 70
3. We went to the top of a parking deck and Mark III, at ISO 3200 (the upper limit of these
photographed a baseball game using the Can- cameras) there was a significant loss of image
on 100-400mm L Series lens. We could literal- quality. However, with the 1Dx this same lev-
ly feel the deck vibrate through the lens. As the el of image quality loss wasn’t visible until it
photo below shows, despite the fact that we reached an ISO of 40,000.
were a good quarter mile away, the images we So, what about the fact that the 1Dx camera
created were crisp and clear—even at an ISO is only 18 megapixels?
of 50,200. There is grain, but the grain doesn't That's a tough one to answer.
detract from the overall experience of the im- We understand Canon's logic. While we
age. In fact, where the 1Ds Mark III starts get- might expect sensors with more than 20
ting almost too grainy (ISO 800), the 1Dx im- megapixels to deliver better images in terms
ages remain clean and crisp. of detail and clarity, given the technical prob-
Just before we returned the EOS 1Dx cam- lems that are well documented in the liter-
era to Canon, we ran a series of extensive ature, this may not actually be the case. At
tests in Battleground Park, photographing the some point, the sheer number of megapixels
same object or scene using the 1Ds Mark II, does not translate into a better or more opti-
1Ds Mark III, and the 1Dx. We used the Can- mal image. The 1Dx, which features a different
on L Series 24-105mm and the L Series 100- photo-site design intended to address some of
400mm lenses. With both the 1Ds Mark II and the technical problems associated with placing
below: Shot of the ballpark from the top of the parking deck.
70 | canon eos 1dx review