Page 72 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 72
FOR RESULTS easy to use. The one word that a removable, white sphere
comes to mind is “impressive.” that actually diffuses the light
Lets look, for example, at the when the unit discharges. The
design of the mounting brack- directions for removing it are
et. It doesn’t move once you straightforward.
tighten it. Ever. Despite the We weren’t sure how we
weight of the unit. could mount our various soft
Similarly, the umbrella boxes to the D1. They do not
mounts directly to the light take a Bowens mount or any
via a long, round opening at similar standard mount. Chi-
the top of the light. I was par- mera, our partner for lighting
ticularly impressed with the accessories and soft boxes,
placement of the power re- does make a conversion mount
THE PROFOTO D1 KIT CONTAINS ceptical. In most strobes it that allows most soft boxes to
everything you need to get is placed near the rear of the attach easily. The mount at-
to work. The D1 kit we tested unit, so inevitably, the power taches to the barrel of the D1.
came with two 500-watt/sec- cord is accidentally pulled out Note the numbers on the
ond moonlights (more about or it dangles everywhere and barrel of the D1 in the photo
this in a minute) with a 7 f-stop is constantly in the way. The at the right. Unlike a standard
range, two umbrellas, two placement of the power cord strobe with a Bowens mount,
power cords, a pair of DVDs, on the D1 makes securing it to the D1’s mount can be moved
two lights stands, and a re- the light stand easier and more up and down the barrel. In
mote for controlling the lights effective. addition to the 7 F-stop vari-
(Profoto calls this remote Air). Technically, these lights ar- ance available through the
All you need is a remote trigger en’t strobes. They are called power control on the back
or a flash. If the lights are in “moonlights.” of the unit, moving the soft
slave mode, they will discharge In a conventional strobe, box up and down the barrel
when another light fires. the front of the light is open further controls the intensi-
Like all Profoto equipment and the ring-shaped bulb is ty of the light that will strke
we have seen, these units are visible. In these lights, the bulb the soft box or the umbrella.
rugged, well designed, and is not visible. It is covered with So, how did the D1 do?
72 | profoto d1 kit review