Page 73 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 73

Well, despite my initial  found the light to be even and  very much. The ballroom is a
        misgivings  about  how  well  consistent. As far as I was  lighting nightmare.
        this design would actual-          able to tell, the light is consis-    To make matters worse,
        ly  perform,  I  was  incredibly  tent  with  daylight  balanced  Inanna  wore  a  sequined
        pleased—and  for  the  sake  of  standards      (5600     degrees  mask. (Think of each individ-
        this  article,  I  didn’t  use  the  Kelvin),  and  the  model’s  ual sequin as a tiny mirror.)
        Chimera mount or any of our  skins tones were perfect. (See  However, I was able to light
        soft boxes. I used the kit ex-     images below.)                    the space and Inanna without
        clusively, so I was limited to    My model, Inanna, and  losing detail in the mask. The
        bouncing  the  light  from  the  I  worked  in  the  ballroom  results were far better than I
        D1  off  rather  small  umbrel-    (attic)  of  Belmont  Estate.  had been able to achieve with
        las. Also, consistent with my  This  is  a  difficult  place  other strobes we have tested
        “stay with the kit” approach,  to  work.  The  ballroom  is  in that space.
        I didn’t use a remote trigger.  a large, dark space, with    These  lights  are  not  inex-
        I  set  the  lights  to  slave  and  knotty pine raised panels   pensive. But, if you are seri-
        then used my Canon 580 EX  everywhere,  including  the  ous  about  photography  and
        II flash to fire them. Even in  ceiling. The dormers tend to  lighting, the Profoto D1 kit is
        this  primitive  configuration,  let  a  lot  of  light  in,  but  that  worth every penny. ■
        the  lights  fired  flawlessly.  I  light  doesn’t  alter  the  space

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