Page 74 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 74


                                                                                 case  with  dual  zippers  and  a
                                                                                 velcro strap on the back. Also
                                                                                 included:  a  variety  of  cables
                                                                                 for attaching the  transmitter
                                                                                 or receiver to a camera body,
                                                                                 strobe,  or  flash.  Even  an  ad-
                                                                                 equate stand for a flash is in-
                                                                                 cluded.  Impressive,  since  the
                                                                                 one that comes with our Can-
                                                                                 on 580 EX IIs is rather small.
                                                                                 Additionally, there is a wrist
                                                                                 strap  attached  to  each  trans-
                                                                                 mitter and receiver.
                                                                                   The units are larger than
             PIXEL KING RX:                    they fail to perform, or when  some others, but they use AA
             WIRELESS                          they have  a short life span, we  batteries—a  welcome  depar-
             FLASH TRIGGER                     aren’t happy.                     ture from the more expensive

                                                  At PhotoPlus Expo last Oc- batteries that always seem to
             REMOTE transmitter/receivers  tober,  Jeff  Karp  (Global  Dis- fail when we are as far from a
             have  long  been  a  source  of  tribution  Director  for  Sirui  store as we could possibly be.
             pain—especially  for  me  since  Tripods  and  North  American  We always have extra AA bat-
             I  am most likely to work  in   distribution  manager  of  the  teries with us. There is a USB
             locations  where  strobes  just   Pixel King product line) asked  port on the side of each unit so
             aren’t  practical.  Over  the  JD and me if we had seen the  that a firmware update can be
             past  five  years,  we’ve  used  a  new  King  series  from  Pixel.  done from the field.
             number  of  brands  and  each  We had, and yes, the technol-   The layout of the controls is
             time,  we  have  been  disap- ogy did look impressive. How- logical and easy to navigate. I
             pointed.  Some  units  don’t  ever, we have  seen  our share  suppose if you wanted to, you
             provide  enough  coverage,  re- of impressive technology that  could  read  the  manual  but,
             quiring  that  the  transmitter  hasn’t  worked  in  the  field.   honestly, the design is so intu-
             and receivers be close to each  Even so, when Jeff called and  itive it’s not really necessary.
             other.  Others  are  susceptible  asked if we would be open to
             to noise and misfire, or don’t  testing the product, we decid- This product's numerous fea-
             fire at all.  And with many, if I  ed to give it a try.             tures include:
             move just a foot or two, sync is    There is much that is differ-
             lost, and if I don’t catch it, the  ent about this series. For one,     ❶    Supports  Canon  E-TTL
             next image is horribly under- the  packaging  makes  sense.  and E-TTL II.
             exposed.                          You can purchase a transmit-         ❶    Up  to  three  different
               We also take issue with the  ter-receiver  combination,  or,  groups  and  seven  combina-
             placement of the on/off switch- a  single  receiver.  Regardless  tions on the flash transceiver.
             es, or find that the quality of the  of  which one  you  purchase,     ❶   When using the EOS EX
             unit can’t withstand the punish- you  get  everything  you  need  II  series  flash,  you  can  select
             ment of life on the road. These  (except batteries) and it all fits  different settings on each dif-
             are expensive devices so, when  into a well-designed  carrying  ferent group.

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