Page 68 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 68
ABOVE: Shot of a bicycle taken through the storefront window of a bike shop in Reidsville, NC.
I was also very pleased with the way the 1Dx ter the images appear. This was also not the
worked when photographing through glass. case with the 1Dx. We did everything we could
(See above left image and full page image on to put the 1Dx in a situation where it would
page 65.) Case in point, I was able to shoot fail, and each time it proved us wrong. Here
through the window of a penthouse and see a are several examples:
swordfish hanging on the wall—no small ac- 1. In a local coffee shop, I photographed a
complishment when you consider the pent- performer and used only ambient light. The
house was at the top of a building that was a coffee shop interior was rather dark, so the
good quarter mile away. (See image top right.) spotlights on the wall should have been a prob-
We were particularly impressed with the lem. But they weren't. (See lower left image.)
way bright lights were rendered. With the 2. We wandered into a local artists’ colo-
Mark II and III, even at an ISO of 800, the ny at nyght. There was little to no light. What
area around a light is almost always blown out. light there was came from scattered incandes-
This was not the case with the 1Dx. While there cent bulbs. As the photo of the scissors in the
was some color shift, considering how high we jars shows, the results were incredibly impres-
pushed the ISO, it was minimal. Again, with sive. (See lower right image.)
the Mark II and III, the higher the ISO the flat-
68 | canon eos 1dx review