Page 64 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 64
Everything we’d heard had We read all of Canon's litera-
led us to believe that the ture. We studied all the tech-
successor to the Canon 1Ds nical fact sheets. We under-
Mark III would be at least 32 stood the logic. But still, we
megapixels. After all, the 5D were skeptical.
Mark III was 24 megapixels At 18 megapixels, the 1Dx is
and had a full CMOS sen- placed between the 1Ds Mark
sor. We have owned Canon’s II and the 1Ds Mark III. At
original 1Ds, the 1Ds Mark II, $6,500 for the body alone
and the 1Ds Mark III. With (roughly 2.5 times the cost of
each new generation, the the 5D Mark III), the 1D se-
number of megapixels has ries has always appealed to a
increased. We had every reason to assume that small market segment. So, it seemed to us that
this would once again be the case. So, when we at 18 megapixels, the 1Dx would appeal to an
learned that the Canon 1Dx was 18 megapix- even smaller segment of the market.
els, we were more than taken aback. We received a loaner unit from Canon in
The debate about how many pixels can be early April of this year and over the ten days
effectively placed on a DSLR sensor has raged we had the camera, we created more than
since nearly the beginning of the digital era. 3,500 images. We worked in near total dark-
But neither the debate nor the problems as- ness, in burst mode, and in the brightest light
sociated with placing more pixels on a sen- we could find. In short, we pushed the camera
sor has stopped each generation of camera as hard and as far as we could. We even creat-
from including a more densely packed sen- ed some video footage.
sor. Therefore, Canon's decision to release an While the 1Dx looks much like its predeces-
18 megapixel camera not only cut against the sors, there are many differences. For example,
grain, but set a new precedent. the 1Dx has a built-in Ethernet port. GPS is
64 | canon eos 1dx review