Page 66 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 66
now fully implemented. era can be programmed
Aperture can now be or modified. In fact, up
changed using the large to three custom camera
wheel on the back of the configurations can be
camera, while shutter stored in the camera.
speed can be set using We really liked this fea-
the smaller wheel near ture since it allowed us
the shutter release. Of to quickly reset the cam-
all the 1D series camer- era when we changed
as we have worked with, working environments.
the 1Dx was the easiest There are six shooting
to use—given our style modes (dependent on
of working. the movement of the
We are often in sit- subject), and video has
uations that are fast- its own submenu.
paced, requiring us to ABOVE: A car moves through an intersection a half mile On the flip side, despite
away from where Falcon and JD were situated.
move rapidly as circum- our prior experience
stances around us change. When using the with the 1D series, the 1Dx menu is so different
1Ds Mark III, the only way to change aperture that we do not recommend going into the field
is to press the button adjacent to the display without the camera's manual. (Yes, it’s that
on the top of the camera, and the only way to different.) Because our loaner camera arrived
do this requires that we lower the camera. In without a manual, we downloaded the PDF
the time it takes to change the aperture, "the from Canon's website to our smartphones.
money shot" can come and go. After almost Unfortunately, viewing and using the PDF was
three years of working with my 1Ds Mark III, I difficult—especially since the word "COPY"
still can't always change the aperture without appears on every page over the content. We
lowering the camera. Therefore, I found the presume that Canon did this to prevent unau-
placement of controls on the 1Dx a pleasant thorized use of their manual, however, placing
surprise. Between on and off there is a posi- a watermark that is large and outlined in black
tion labeled "Lock." When the control is set to over the text makes the manual very difficult
lock position, the aperture cannot be changed. to read.
Given our long experience with the 1D series, Over the ten years we have been doing
this took time to become accustomed to. photography, we have owned at least a dozen
The Canon 1Dx has a new menu system. The camera bodies. Along the way, we have test-
good news is that the menu system is logically ed another ten or more. While I can't say that
oriented, and nearly every aspect of the cam- our having worked with some twenty differ-
66 | canon eos 1dx review