Page 72 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #1
P. 72


                            Isis, June 2009-April 2010

               She was a most unlikely model for me to work with. Inexperienced and exceptionally
               thin, I wasn’t sure what I would garner for her. But her eyes… I couldn’t turn away
               from them. I remember watching isis walk up to the door of the studio and I knew
               right then that there was something about her. Like Katherine and Torment before
               her, isis defined a body of work that produced more critical acclaim than any other
               I’d created up to that point. The definition of grace and beauty, her use of her body—
               especially her hands—has  never been equaled. Innocent and yet sensuous,  isis’s
               departure left an emptiness that has yet to be filled.

    nyghtvision magazine                                                                                                                                                                           volume 3, number 1, WINTER 2013
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