Page 76 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #1
P. 76


              I am more than aware of the  cultural  myself  wishing  that  my  French, which  was
            and  linguistic  differences.  I  am  aware  that  once passable when I lived here part-time, was
            Americans  before  me have left  a bad taste  better than abysmal.
            in the mouth of the rest of the world. I  am
            determined not to follow that path. And so, I  I  BOLT  INTO  AN UPRIGHT  position. It
            find myself carefully considering every word,  is 6:45 a.m. and I hear voices—loud voices. I
            frequently asking whether what I am saying is  vaguely remember leaving both long windows
            clear and understandable.                           open in my little room. It is already a bright,
                                                                hazy gray outside and I grope the coffee table
            AT  DINNER  LAST  NYGHT,  as we closed  for my sunglasses.  My eyes  are screaming
            the  restaurant, I found myself  struggling  to  from the light. But, I smile because it is Paris
            explain to Laurent, the lead programmer, and  and the city is alive. I lie back down, removing
            to Olivier, the head of marketing, that we walk  my glasses. The morning air is cool against my
            a fine line. We are emotionally invested in their  skin and I wrap myself in the comforter once
            software and want it to be the best it can be,  again. It doesn’t take long for me to find sleep.
            but we don’t ever want to make them feel that    Now, it is nearly 9:00 a.m. I linger for only
            we don’t understand how complex the task of  a few moments more, finishing the last of my
            enhancing Optics Pro is. Exhausted by a long  coffee. Then, I’m off to the streets and to a full
            day—DxO  had  released  a  significant  update  day of meetings. But it is Paris. Somehow that
            to Optics Pro—Laurent was a bit frazzled and  makes things better.
            distant. It was a very intense exchange. I found

    nyghtvision magazine                                                                                                                                                                           volume 3, number 1, WINTER 2013
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