Well, it looks like the photography industry is a still a long way from settling out. 2016 wasn’t just a year of change and evolution. It was one of gut-wrenching change.

Samsung’s sudden departure from the photography industry – without so much as a press release – left many of us speechless. Given that they were one of our most prominent sponsors, their sudden departure left us in a difficult position.

As we look to 2017, there’s no telling what will happen next. This much we do know – a fleet of new cameras and lens with new features and more megapixels isn’t going to fix an industry in disarray.
To top it all, I continue to be dismayed by the number of people who suddenly decide to become professional photographers. Each one last long enough to cause total and complete disarray. And at the end, we are left with more pressure to drop the quality of our work and lower our prices. The biggest myth of all seems to be the idea that if an image is digital, it must be free – or nearly free. In fact, even in a “point-and-shoot” camera, the cost is significant – about $1-$1.25 per image. In the end, this is equal to or greater than the cost of a film image. The only real gain in digital photography is the ability to edit more effectively. And then there is convenience. Beyond that….. So, where to from here?
I will I had that answer. The photos that accompany this commentary were created using about $50,000 in gear. Digital photography is free. Yeah.
Commentary by Falcon