Page 15 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 15
Let’s analyze the photo to the left.....
It was taken shortly after dawn, in June. Look to the left of the photo – the intensity of the light is far
greater there and the angle of the light, as one might expect at dawn, is low on the horizon. The colors are
toward the purple/red/burgundy end of the visual spectrum as is befitting the color temperature at that
time of the day.
The composition is interesting in that the boat, which is the focal point of the composition, is too far to
the right. The wooden poles to the right of the boat and the bushes “push” the viewer’s eye back into the
photo – and ironically, so does the expanse of water and the fine line of the horizon.
Note: Had the far horizon been sharp and clear, the experience of this image would have been very differ-
ent. In this case, the indefiniteness serves to push the eye of the view back to the boat.
Seeing the World Again. For the First Time. 15