Page 20 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 20

Question Five: What is the Volume of Light?

       In many respects this is the most important of the      v  Often, the volume of light is high when we are wor-
       five questions.                                         king in an open area on a very sunny, cloudless day.
                                                               If when the volume of light is low, the blackest and
       Why? Because - as we shall see when we talk more  whitest spots are closer together, when the volume of
       about  how a digital camera works - the volume of  light is high, the opposite is the case.
       light is the single most important factor governing     It isn’t the volume of light that is good or bad. It is
       image quality.
                                                               what we DO with it that is. There are  times when a
       What is the volume of light and how do we know  low  volume  of  light  can produce  stunning  images.
       when it is enough to create a good image? These  Imagine, for example,  the  soft  shadows  of a room
       aren’t easy questions to answer. Volume of light is  washed by the warm evening light through curtains.
       literally how much light fills the space between us  Just as there are times when working in a field on the
       and the objects around us.                              longest day of the year under a cloudless sky can pro-
                                                               duce incredible images.
       v When the amount of light is “soft” or “low” or
       extremely diffuse, the volume of light is often low.    The goal  is  always  to  balance  the  volume  of  light
       In this situation, the “difference” or “distance” bet-  across a scene.  Often, photographers light the sub-
       ween the brightest and darkest areas is usually far     ject in an attempt to address this problem. That just
       less than when the volume of light is high.             doesn’t work. Again, more about this  later.

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