Page 24 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 24

“Managing the Volume of
        Lets re-                                                  Light is a function of unders-
        turn to our discus-                                        tanding the angle, direction
        sion of the  volume of light.                                 and intensity of light”
        Lets  start by considering the following:
        When light strikes an object two things        se-
        happen: light is reflected (essentially this   quences.
        is color)  and the cohesiveness of the light   For example, If I am
        diminishes. Essentially, that means that       photographing  someone,  they
        the  beam of light  “breaks” into smaller      might  have dark circles  under  their
        and smaller beams, rather like smas-           eyes, or  the back-ground might be so

        hing a mirror into a thousand reflective  bright that it is “burned out.”
        shards.                                       Managing the volume of light is the only way to resolve
        This is where things get really interesting.  these  problems.  Increasing the intensity of light doesn’t
        When the volume of light is very high  fix the problem. It will make things worse. Managing the
        because the intensity of the light is very  volume of light is about filling the space in a scene with as
        high, the camera will see less color, detail  much light as possible without increasing the intensity of
        and contrast, so  photos  will  look bland  the light.
        and will have less emotional impact.

        There will also be some unintended con-       Lets study the example on the next several pages.

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