Page 22 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 22

3. The Mechanics of Light

         Color is a function of both the angle with which        ly leaves the light source the beam of light spreads or
         the sun’s light strikes the earth and reflects from     diffuses as we prefer to say. The beam might remain a
         objects.  The temperature of light (as the diagram      bit more intense in the center than at the edges, but in
         on the next page shows) is the measure we use to        the end, the farther the beam moves from its source the
         descibe  the  color  that  angle  and  reflection  pro-  more diffuse the entire beam becomes.
         duces. We measure the color of light in degrees
         Kelvin in honor of John Kelvin’s landmark work.         There are many reasons why this happens.  For the
                                                                 most part, the density of the atmosphere and the angle
         While the speed of light doesn’t change (186,000        at which the light strikes the surface of an object have
         feet per second squared) the frequency or wave          the most determining effect on how quickly a beam of
         length does.  The frequency of red light is consid-     light  diffuses.  This  is  why  the  fourth  question  in  our
         erably longer than that of blue or white light.  Fre-   NyghtVision Methodology is so important.
         quency is measured in degrees Kelvin. The LOW-
         ER the degrees Kelvin, the longer the wave length.      Light which is intense - a narrow beam - produces harsh
                                                                 shadows and can bleach color from an object. The more
         In the West, we think of light as a tight, narrow       diffuse the light, the softer the shadows and often the
         beam. In fact, despite how it looks, light isn’t a      richer the colors.
         tight bean of energy  at all.  If we could  look at
         a beam of light we would see that  as it actual-        As the diagram on the right shows, the steeper the angle
                                                                 of reflection, the more pale the overall colors in a scene.
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