Page 18 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 18

Question Three: What time is it?
                                                                  v Look at the shadows. In the Northern Hemisphere,
       By knowing what  day it is (the  answer to question        shadows point toward the north. In the Southen Hemis-
       one), we know - or can estimate  - the total hours of      phere, the opposite is true.
       light we will have in a given day. By knowing what
       time it is, we can easily  determine how much light is     v Also, look for moss or lichen on a tree near the ground.
       left. As we shall see when we talk about question four,    Moss and liken generally grow away from the path of the
       this in turn will enable us to “fine tune” our unders-     sun - in the Northern Hemisphere that would be north.
       tanding of light when we are working.
                                                                  The angle of light is a function of the day of the year, the
       Question Four: What is the angle, direction,               location (longitude/latitude/altitude), and time of day.

       and intensity of light?                                    (See diagram on the next page.)
                                                                  The best way to understand the concept of the  inten-
                                                                  sity of light  is to think of it in reverse terms: The more
       Lets talk about the direction of light first.  The earth
       moves from east to west over the course of a day.  In      diffuse the light, the lower its intensity.  When the in-
                                                                  tensity of light is high, the edges of shadows are sharp
       the Northern Hemisphere, the sun follows the equa-
       tor. This means sun never passes through the Nor-          and “clean.” Intense light can be a very serious problem
       thern  Quadrant.  In  the  Southern  Hemisphere,  the      since as we shall see it can bleach color from an image
       sun never passes through the Southern Quadrant.            and can make shadows extremely dark and loss of detail
       So, how  can you   determine  where  north is in           in brighter areas is a common problem.
       the  Northern  Hemisphere?  There  are  two  ways:

     18   Boot Camp, Part 1
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