Page 13 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 13

The First Ritual:


          We have learned many hard lessons. Most have come        works isn’t easy - or intuitive.
          with a very high price. The good news is that once we learn
          a lesson, we build a ritual around it. That way, should that   In 2005, while working in a burned out house, we began
          situation arise again, we are sure we will respond to it ins-  to understand light, how to use it, and how to produce
          tinctively in the way we need to. In the early days of our   great images under a myriad of conditions. Our NyghtVi-
          professional career, lessons seemed to happen every day,   sion Methodology is built around  what we learned that
          and on almost every assignment.                          year.  In essence, it is a series of five question. In this  sec-
                                                                   tion we will learn about these questions, how they shape
          While those lessons seem to occur less often,  we still con-  photography, and finally how they help you master both
          tinue to develop new rituals as we continue to practice   your camera and creating better photos.
          “old ones”.  One of the first lessons we learned centered
          around understanding light. Light is everywhere and
          we take it for granted, so thinking about light and how it

                                                                                   Seeing the World Again. For the First Time.     13
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