Page 11 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 11

Understanding Ritual

       Learning how NOT to think

       What is a Ritual?                                        best.    Having  a  ri-
                                                                tual for interacting
       In short, a ritual is a learned pattern of behavior      with the camera
       that becomes instinctive through repetition.             can stop that from
                                                                happening.                       Fine Cuisine
       Think about how you interact with your camera.           v  Camera settings  are
       If you aren’t working with your camera set to au-        obtuse and often counter intuitive. Ritual can
       tomatic or program mode, how long does it take           make deciding what to do effortless.
       you to change your set shutter speed, aperture
       and  ISO  -  or,  are  you  overwhelmed  but  all  the   v More importantly, ritual can allow us to  stay
       possible settings? Or, do you find yourself won-         focused on the moment so that once-in-a-life-ti-
       dering, “What do I do now?”                              me moment is captured in a way that produces a
       Either way, thinking about the camera is getting         photo that evokes all the emotion of the moment
                                                                long after that moment has passed.
       in the way of your photography....
                                                                A good snap-shot is an accident. A good photo,
       That is never a good thing.                              isn’t.  We  want  to  make  our  photos  as  sponta-
                                                                neous as a snap-shot, but as technically sound as
       Why is ritual important to photography?                  a photo should be.

       v For most of us, thinking about the camera takes        And that’s the point.
       us away from the moment - it is a distraction at

                                                                                   Seeing the World Again. For the First Time.     11
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