Page 10 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 10

1. Ritual and Photography

       Learning to be in the moment......

       It is the moment you have been waiting for -                 So, what DO you do? How can you make sure you get
       that once in a life time moment. You pick up                 that once-in-a-life-time  moment and still  make sure
       your camera and create a photo.                              the image is good?
                                                                    The answer is simple.
       Except, when you look at it later, you discover
       the image is blurred, or over exposed....                    Don’t think. Be in the moment.

       Or., even worse, you are so busy with your                   Is that possible with something as complex as a ca-
       camera, you miss the moment completely.....                  mera? Yes.
                                                                    Look at it this way - we all learn to do things without
       Unfortunately, we have all been there. It is as though       thinking - like tying our shoes or using a knife and
       we can focus on the camera and miss the moment, or,          fork. Though we don’t think about these actions this
       we can focus on the moment and be disappointed by            way, these are rituals - aspects of everyday life that
       the quality of the photo. We don’t seem to be able to do     we tend to do the same way. Over and over.
       This isn’t a problem amateurs alone face - professionals     Why should using a camera be different?
       often have the same problem.
     10   Boot Camp, Part 1
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