Page 7 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 2 #2
P. 7
– sometimes they succeed. For most of us you choose, this is money well spent and will
these thoughts may be the last things on our provide returns never imagined when your
list of “needs” for our adventure. We may not planning for this adventure first begins.
be planning to change the world or impact a If you are not able to acquire the services of
culture, but our photo images will forever fix a professional photographer or videographer,
that moment in time for all to witness. We all the next best choice is taking classes or lessons
have the ability to learn – we have avenues in photography. The word “classes” may not
to improve and better ourselves at whatever
we choose. Photography is no exception. To be appropriate since it tends to denote specif-
properly capture an image should be a goal ic times and specific formats that may not suit
of any and all adventurers. When and if one your needs. I would select a more individual
has the opportunity to have a photojournalist approach to instruction, with smaller groups
to accompany the trip --- do so. Without ex- that use field instruction and hands-on train-
ception, this is my first choice. This not only ing along with the required limited classroom
provides you with a photo essay of your expe- basics. Small group settings allow for discus-
rience, but also provides you with invaluable sion, critiquing of work and meeting personal
training --- on-the-job training, if you will, needs. This instructional format is more pro-
which will change your approach to all future ductive, efficient and cost effective than other
adventures. You may choose to use a profes- methods of instruction. I would also recom-
sional photographer, videographer, etc., for mend a full day, or weekend get-away, for
a specific block of time, or for a set destina- this type of instruction. It not only provides
tion, and not for your entire trip. Whatever for more one-on-one time with your instruc-
nyghtvision magazine volume 2, number 2, summer 2012