Page 11 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 2 #2
P. 11
one. When a photographer displays individual ject is 3 seconds and the average person at rest
pictures from a series on a screen, or sets out breathes every 5-6 seconds. Filmmakers build
a printed group of photographs, this can lead from these natural rhythms to change visual
to much pleasant back and forth between the information in this 3-6 second range when
viewers and the photographer. they want a calm, orderly experience for view-
ers. As a rule of thumb, faster changes can cre-
ith video you are adding elements of ate drama and excitement while slower chang-
motion and sound to the viewing ex- es can allow a viewer’s attention to drift unless
Wperience that combines many clips there is a complex visual to process. What this
running linearly for several minutes. The end means for the videographer is that you want
result of a video is that viewers watch a begin- a series of about 12-15 changes per minute. It
ning to end show. Once a shot has passed they could be a change from clip to clip or move-
are carried on to the next one without being ment within a shot.
able to stop, study and discuss it more closely.
his is not daunting when you use your
ome research suggests that the average camcorder (or hybrid DSLR) like a still
time viewers spend looking at an artwork Tcamera. Now let’s get to the technique
Sin a gallery before moving to the next ob-
through an example: You are driving a winding
nyghtvision magazine volume 2, number 2, summer 2012