Page 14 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 2 #2
P. 14


            “Safari is a Swahili word

            meaning ‘long journey.’”

          Although  we associate the term with African         drain the land and form the lake. The develop-
          safaris, photographers have adopted it to de-        ers named the reclaimed area New Holland, af-
          scribe a trip designed to explore an area and        ter similar reclamation projects in the Nether-
          shoot photos instead of animals.                     lands. (Information from Wikipedia.) The lake
          My photographer friend, Ernie, and I plan safa-      bed is three to five feet below sea level.
          ris to explore areas that we don’t know or know      Today the area is a National Wildlife Refuge,
          well. We generally study the area to decide on       and there are a number of other wildlife ref-
          some general things we want to see and shoot;        uges and state and national parks within easy
          and, we find a place to stay, at least for the first   driving distance.
          night. After that, everything is unplanned. As       black bears
          on any animal safari,  one never knows when
          that special opportunity is going to present it-     We learned about the bears and bear hunting
          self. So, we go with the flow. If we see a dirt      from several hunters we met as we pulled into
          road that looks interesting, we turn down it to      the Hotel Engelhard in, you guessed it, Engel-
          see what we might find. We also ask people we        hard, NC, (population  a little  over 1,000).
          meet along the way if there are any interesting      Engelhard  is  a  quaint  fishing  village  that  we
          places in the area to photograph. We get many        entered at the tail end of the annual Christmas
          leads this way.                                      parade last December.
                                                               Hyde and the four other counties around it also
          Our most recent trip was to Lake Mattamus-
          keet, in Hyde County, which borders the Albe-        host one of the largest black bear populations
          marle and Pamlico Sounds. Although both of           in the  U.S. The thick underbrush  provides  a
          us grew up in Charlotte, we had never been to        natural home for the bears. In fact, the largest
          this area. The lake dates from 1934 when three       black bear ever killed was an 886 pound bear
          private investment companies joined with the         killed in North Carolina. The state’s estimated
          public Mattamuskeet Drainage District to build       black bear population is about 12,000.
          the  world’s highest  capacity pumping  plant        old homes
          and 130 miles of navigable canals in order to        Over the next several days, we  explored  the

   nyghtvision magazine                                                                                                                                                                volume 2, number 2, summer 2012
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