Page 12 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 2 #2
P. 12


          park road and you’ve caught glimpses of great       clip time “handles”). If not, then a ten second
          scenery but signs warn you to only stop at the      rhythm is adequate.
          designated  pullouts.  The pullout  has several
          vehicles and people wandering all over. A cou-              fter  the  establishing  shot, shoot  me-
          ple of guys with video cameras are sweeping                 dium to close shots of each significant
          back and forth, up and down, zooming in and         Aportion. Hold  the  camera steady  like
          out  over the scene.  You can imagine what  a       a still camera when doing this. For example
          dizzying, unsettling experience it would be to      after getting the establishing shot, frame the
          watch that on a big screen in a living room.        distant mountains,  stop - frame the  valley,
          Their narrative might run “Here I was trying        stop - and then frame the waterfall. For each
          to get …”. With video you don’t have to move        shot let the clouds move, the branches wave,
          the  camera to  capture  movement. Your au-         and the water flow across your frame. When
          dience  (including you in the future) doesn’t       framing try to get some layers of foreground
          want to see what the camera did before getting      / middle ground / distance. Move your posi-
          the  shot, they  only  want  to  see  the  clearest,   tion to get to more interesting angles and try
          best shot,  then move                                                     for some “bokah” or ob-
          on to the next one. So                                                    jects in sharp focus with
          stop recording while                 Look for what                        a blurry background.
          zooming,       panning       is called an establishing                    In  cities,  let  the  traffic
          and tilting.                   shot, which shows the                      flow,  the  people  pass,
                                    whole context of the scene.                     and the flags fly in your
                urvey the  scene     This orients the audience to                   frame. Repeat this tech-
                with your eyes                     the place                        nique throughout  your
         Sbefore  looking                                                           trip and you will have a
          through the viewfind-                                                     video collection of qual-
          er. Choose the best portions of the scene and       ity shots. The end  result will  be watchable
          shoot each with a camera held steady. Film-         video that reminds you of what it was like to
          makers usually look for what is called an es-       be there. There are two other benefits to us-
          tablishing shot, which shows the whole con-         ing this technique. The first comes while trav-
          text of the scene. This orients the audience to     elling: you economize on tape or card space.
          the place  and when details  are later shown,       The second comes when you review your foot-
          they  can  fit  them  into  the  established  wider   age: you spend less time looking at bad shots.
          scene they saw earlier. So in our park exam-
          ple,  your  establishing  shot  would  be  a wide          hrow in some video sweeteners. Even
          view of the vista and maybe a little of the wall           if you don’t have a good shot, you can
          or a sign at the edge of the frame to identify      Trecord some interesting audio to mix in
          the location. Adding some of your party en-         later. I was on the edge of a Hawaiian rain-
          joying the view will help establish the spirit of   forest at dusk when it was too dark to shoot
          your travel group. It is good to run about 10       but the night was alive with wildlife sounds.
          seconds for each shot unless something active       Get ahead of your hiking party and shoot their
          is going on that you want to follow. 10 seconds     approach, then drop your camera angle  to
          allows you and the camera to settle into the        ground level as their feet parade through your
          shot. If you edit later to 3-5 second clips you     frame. Creative experimentation is one of the
          have some room to trim (editors call this extra     pleasures of shooting video on the road.

   nyghtvision magazine             Return to Contents                                                                                                                                 volume 2, number 2, summer 2012
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