Page 6 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 2 #2
P. 6
I’ve heard it said that “Beauty is in
the eye of the beholder” – True –
very true. But how does one share
that beauty? Is it only for the be-
holder to enjoy, or should that spe-
cial moment in time be captured
(properly captured) for the purpose
of telling a story and possibly ar-
chiving a moment that may impact
the lives of individuals that one has
yet to meet?
As I was planning to travel to re-
LIFE IN AFRICA mote destinations in rural Africa,
for the purpose of building medical
clinics, I realized that my ability to
t is one of the lessons ten an achievement just to capture a story on film was essen-
learned quickly when have a meal. tial. My investment in these human-
Ione travels outside the edical care, that itarian missions needed more than
“developed world.” Life is we take for grant- hundreds of images that only made
lived under very different - Med, doesn’t ex- sense if I was narrating the story.
and often difficult - condi- ist. The work done by Gene I needed to have photographs that
tions. and his wife, Mary, changes could speak to anyone in any lan-
lives. Their determination to guage. These photographs needed
n this photo, in the ab- bring water treatment facili- to be universal in their messages –
sence of a kitchen as we ties and medical care to Af- beauty, in an area of despair - hope,
Iknow it, an open area rica brings hope to a world when most have given up – the fac-
suffices for the preparation often darkened by tragedy. es of misery and yet a momentary
of a meal. Hygiene is virtu- smile - tears of loss, but the eyes of
ally nonexistent and it is of- determination to move on. It takes
more than the click of the camera
shutter to capture a story.
Directors, cinematographers and
photojournalists try their best to
show the emotions of the moment
nyghtvision magazine volume 2, number 2, summer 2012