Page 46 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #3
P. 46
Sunset at Shem's Creek
front porch. Thinking that it might be an inter- eat. I also could ask about the old house.
esting shot, I made a U-turn and drove slowly As I got out of my car, I remembered why I
by. I could not tell if anyone lived there, and would normally avoid these places. Out in the
I did not want to take a photo without permis- “country,” you never know the rules. Would
sion. By now, I was back to the Patrick General a stranger be welcome here? Did they like to
Store, so I pulled in. I had to create a parking beat up skinny photographers? As I crossed the
space since there were so many cars and trucks parking lot, I noted a convertible BMW parked
already there. near the front door and a very sophisticated
Now, you need to know that when I take older lady standing beside it while talking on
these safaris, my general rule for breakfast and her cell phone. “Perhaps I’ll be okay here,” I
lunch is to stop at McDonald’s. My friend Ernie thought.
will vouch for this. You can get some reason- Empty coffee cup in hand, I pushed through
ably healthy things there, and you know what the door, still somewhat apprehensive. Inside,
you are getting. Moreover, the chain has good I stopped and tried to get the lay of the land. An
coffee and generally clean restrooms. older gentleman with short grey hair and a face
I was out of coffee and decided that while the that suggested years of hard work was sitting be-
general store must have coffee I would just wait hind the counter to my immediate left. He was
until the next McDonald’s to get something to running the cash register and writing up tick-
46 | A Game of Chance