Page 44 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #3
P. 44
1. Sunrise over Everett Lake
2. Camden Railroad Station
3. Patrick Railroad Station
4. Cheraw Lyceum
for both Confederate and Union troops. replaced the windows. I don’t know if this
Again, I felt lucky to have found such an in- had been an old passenger station or a freight
teresting area. Cheraw has done an excellent depot, but it looked interesting; so I pulled in
job of preserving these historic buildings. and parked. The light again was nice, and I de-
As I got back in my car and turned around cided to get low by sitting between the two sets
to get on Highway 1, I somehow made a wrong of tracks, and put my tripod in one of its low-
turn and found myself on the truck route for est settings. This would allow me to have the
Highway 1, the route that trucks must follow train tracks in the picture’s foreground and, I
to keep them from going through the middle hoped, create a nice composition. I took sev-
of town. That was not a problem, since I knew eral shots and liked them.
it would rejoin Highway 1 south of town. About that time, I wondered when trains
As I drove across two railroad tracks, I came through, as the tracks looked like they
glanced to the right to see an abandoned brick were still in service. Then, I heard a train whis-
railroad station, with plywood sheets having tle in the distance. Having lived and worked in
44 | A Game of Chance