Page 41 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #3
P. 41

                                                                      A phOtO essAy by Lew g. brOwN

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        I hit the “away” button on the security alarm for our vacation home in Pinehurst,
        grabbed my coffee cup, made a quick mental trip through the house to make sure
        I had checked off everything on our exit list, and closed the utility room door.  Be-
        hind me, a robotic voice warned, “40 seconds to exit.”

          I punched the  button to open  the  garage  drive to Charleston, South Carolina.  I had ex-
        door; and, as it opened, the overhead light came  pected my photography friend Ernie to be with
        on.  As the door rose, the darkness and cold air  me.  We had mapped  out a plan for the  trip.
        tried to rush in.  The light held off the darkness  We were going to check out some sites in the
        somewhat, but the cold air barged in as if seek-     Charleston area and spend time taking shots
        ing a place to get warm.  Twenty-two degrees!   downtown to prepare for an upcoming trip our
        What ever happened  to our normal March  families were going to take to San Francisco.  I
        spring weather?                                      was also working on a photo essay on the archi-
          I glanced at my watch – 5:59 A.M.  Perfect!        tecture of Charleston.
          I was setting out on a photo safari.  “Safari”    However, Ernie had called earlier in the week
        is a Swahili word for “long journey.”  I call my  to say that he had a bad virus and would not be
        photo  excursions safaris, even if they  are not  able to make our trip.  So, it was time for plan
        long, because I become a nomad, a wanderer.   B.  I checked the South Carolina map and de-
        Although  I have a general  plan  as  to  where  I  cided I would start from Pinehurst and follow
        want to go, my route is always flexible.  I like to  U.S. Highway 1 from Aberdeen to Cheraw and
        turn down new roads or to try to find a road that  then to Camden.  From Camden, I would take
        will take me to an old barn that I spot in the dis-  Highway 521 and then 261 to Manning.  From
        tance across some soybean field lying dormant  there,  Highway 52 would  take me  to  Moncks
        in the winter cold.                                  Corner and eventually to Mount Pleasant, near
          This particular Friday morning, I planned to  Charleston. There, I had reservations at a Days

 Cheraw Town Hall                                                                               Summer 2013 | 41
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