Page 42 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #3
P. 42


      Patrick General Store

         Inn.                                               a similar array of homes on one of the main
           I had  decided  to  leave  by  6 A.M because  streets  radiating  from downtown.    I always
         the app on my iPhone indicated that sunrise  wonder  who built  these palatial  homes and
         would be about 7:13 A.M.  I figured it would  when they built them.  I wonder how what of-
         take about an hour to get to Rockingham so  ten seems to be a small, rather poor communi-
         by sunrise I would be in the country south of  ty could support such wealth.  Were these peo-
         there.  I  was familiar  with Highway 1  as far  ple successful farmers who wanted a place in
         as Rockingham, but it had been years since I  town?  Were they the bankers and lawyers?  In
         stayed on that road south of there.  I hoped for  Rockingham’s case, were they associated with
         two things.  First, I hoped there would be a col-  the railroad?  So many questions.
         orful sunrise.  Second, I hoped that I would be    As I left  Rockingham,  I realized  my tim-
         lucky and find something interesting to be in  ing was good.  The sky was brightening rap-
         the foreground of the shot, like an old farm-      idly to the east, and some red was beginning
         house or barn, so that I would not just have  to show.  However, for several miles I could
         another picture of trees and sky at sunrise.       find nothing that would serve as a good frame
           As I rolled through Rockingham in the early  or foreground for a sunrise shot.  Just lots of
         light, I noticed again the large, stately homes  pine trees.  I was about to decide that I had
         that line Highway 1  north of the downtown  missed my chance when I noticed a lake on the
         area.  So many small Southern  towns  have  left with a spillway and a nice sunrise reflec-

    42 | A Game of Chance
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