Page 47 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #3
P. 47

added that a men’s room would be nice also.  He
                                                           pointed at the self-service coffee pot just ahead of
                                                           me on the bar and then to the restrooms, which
                                                           were located in the back left corner.  I thanked
                                                           him and went to the restroom.
                                                             When I returned from the restroom, I went to
                                                           the coffee pot and started filling my cup.  A lady,
                                                           Emily Sellers, was cooking the usual breakfast
                                                           items on a large commercial grill located behind
                                                           the bar.   Everybody seemed to know her and
                                                           called out orders to her, no tickets needed.  She
                                                           had a five-pound tub of butter strategically posi-
                                                           tioned near the grill.  She noticed me and asked
                                                           if I wanted anything.
                                                             “No, just coffee,” I answered with a smile and
                                                           a thank you.
                                                             I then waited my turn in the checkout line.  I
                                                           told Bud Griggs, the owner, that I just had a re-
                                                           fill, and he said that would be $1.00.
                                                             “I noticed the old house just down the street
                                                           with couches, refrigerators, and things like that
                                                           on the front porch,” I noted.  “Do you know who
                                                           owns that house?”
                                                             “That’s my son,” he answered.  “Did you see
                                                           something you were interested in?”
                                                             “No sir,  I’m  just an amateur photographer
                                                           and thought I might take a picture of the house,
                                                           but didn’t want to do so without permission.”
         ets, which he put in one of those letter-size       “That’s  no problem,” he answered, “help
         accordion folders with one compartment for        yourself.”
         each letter of the alphabet.  Probably IOUs.        “Thanks.”
         The bar ran on and then took a sharp left.  At      I took my coffee cup and headed across the
         the end of the bar, four gentlemen were eat-      parking lot to my car.   About half way there,
         ing breakfast.  To the right were three, four-    something happened.  I paused and asked my-
         seat  tables  pushed  together  to form a sort  self why I wasn’t getting something to eat?  What
         of community table.  There were a number  was the problem?
         of men and women eating breakfast there.     I’m not exactly sure why, but I turned around
         Suspended from the ceiling between the two  and went back in the store.  I stood by the bar
         groups was a television, tuned for some rea-      inside and caught Ms. Sellers’ attention.
         son  to  CNBC, the  business  channel, rather    “I changed my mind,” I confessed.  “Could I
         than Fox News  or some  channel like that.   get a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit without the
         Perhaps  the farmers were keeping  up  with       biscuit,” I asked, sounding like someone from a
         the price of soybeans, cotton, or corn.           Jack  Nicholson  movie.    “I’m  trying  the  Atkins
           About this time, an African-American  diet,” I added in way of explanation.
         gentleman  standing by the  bar asked if I    “Is a fried egg okay?”
         was looking for the coffee pot.  I said yes and    “Sure, that’s fine.”

                                                                                                Summer 2013 | 47
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