Page 43 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 43

been  worn  to  the  bone,  I  am  sure  we  would  darkness—and so, we shared the tripod. Once
        have  taken  many  dozens  of  photos.  Instead,  the blue of the sky had faded into black, ex-
        JD extended the length of his bare legs down  hausted and worn, we rested for a while on the
        the lawn, and I used the camera bag for a pil-      grass before heading back to the apartment. In
        low. I am sure that at one point, he and I were  that moment, I knew that Paris would always
        both asleep.                                        be home to me.
          Nearly three hours later, the sky around the    It was almost 11:00 PM when we descend-
        tower  began  to  fade  into  a  deep  cobalt  blue  ed back into the Metro. It took only minutes
        and the clouds that remained settled into the  for JD to fall asleep, his body swaying to the
        distance. For the first time all day, I was able to  rhythm of the train. I nudged him every now
        see color. I sensed in both JD and me an antic-     and again—each time holding up fingers to in-
        ipation that became a restlessness so profound  dicate the number of stops that remained.
        and so deep, that he and I felt compelled  to    The Boulevard de Republique was strange-
        continually comment on the coming of nyght.  ly still as we walked home from the Metro. It
        Every light that appeared became a reason to  took us only a few minutes to get back to our
        note  that  the  nyght  was  ever  closer  at  hand.  apartment. I drank some fruit juice and began
        This restlessness soon gave way to an urgency  a discussion with JD about the reasoning be-
        that demanded we catch every moment.                hind Minute Maid choosing not to import such
          We had brought only one tripod and, given  a healthy product to the US. It wasn’t long be-
        that I was able to hold still much longer than  fore JD had taken to the bedroom. I shut the
        he could, I gave the tripod to JD. I crouched  light off, stretched out on the futon, and was
        low to the ground, as though I were a human  soon sound asleep. ■
        tripod. I  can still feel  the damp of the wet
        grass.  Eventually,  even  I  had  to  yield  to  the

         A car passes by an "American bistro" not far from Falcon and JD's apartment in Paris.

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