Page 38 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 38

above Photographs left to right:   1) The glass door with which Falcon collided.   2) Café Trocadero.   3) Across the Seine from the Eiffel Tower, two lovers kiss at sunset.   4) JD trying to wake up.   5) The futon upon which Falcon slept.

               “Do you want to meet me at the restaurant?”        “Out of the way,” I said again, moving out of
              He nodded, gagged, and vomited again.             the bathroom to the small kitchen. I reached
              Still concerned about JD, but also very late  the sink just as I felt my knees weaken. As a
            for dinner, I had bolted down the stairs, leap-     child I had nearly bled to death twice, and I
            ing over three or four treads at a time. I reached  still remembered all the signs. I knew that if I
            the small, open area of the building’s foyer in  didn’t stop my bleeding soon, I would end up
            full stride, eyes focused on the wrought iron  in the hospital, or worse, I could succumb to
            gate that veiled the full glass door to the street.  shock or loss of blood. I was shaking. My body
            Using my left foot for leverage, I’d thrust my  temperature  continued  to fall  rapidly. I took
            body towards the outer glass door, and hit it  hold of the faucet and forced it open. The cold
            forehead first.                                     water ran over my hands and abruptly brought
              “Open the door,” I said through our apart-        me back to the present moment. When I felt
            ment  door.  I  could  hear  JD  gagging.  “Open  my knees steady, I reached for a paper towel,
            the door. I am bleeding.” The last of my tis-       soaked it in cold water, and brought it to my
            sues  was  now  soaked  crimson.  I  hadn’t  an-    face. The sudden sensation of coolness stead-
            other. The wound within my left nostril was  ied me. I didn’t move for several moments.
            bleeding  faster.  I  was  still  slightly  stunned,     “Shit!” I said.
            but  already  beginning  to  feel  the  effects  of     “What’s up?”
            the impact. I was sure I was going to collapse.    “We’re  late  and  I  don’t  have  Olivier’s
            The door opened.                                    number.”
              “What  the  hell  happened  to  you,  man?’     “You’re bleeding, man.”
            JD asked.                                             “Fuck the blood,” I said, bringing the pa-
              “I haven’t time to explain. Out of the way.”  per towel away from the bridge of my nose. I
            I  stepped  past  JD,  pushing  him  away  from  was still bleeding, but not bad enough to lose
            the  bathroom  sink.  I  took  hold  of  a  tissue,  consciousness—or so I thought—and certain-
            thinking I’d use it as a wet compress, but it  ly not enough to warrant my making our din-
            fell apart. I was sweating now—the same cold  ner companion wait any longer. I opened the
            sweat I remembered from the fall in Hondu-          apartment door, turned to JD, and said, “I’m
            ras, the one that broke three ribs. I needed to  going to meet Olivier, I’ll see you there”—just
            move. Quickly. Before I dropped to the floor.  as I had done earlier on. This time around,
            I needed to stop the bleeding. I needed to re-      however,  I  took  care  not  to  crash  into  the
            main conscious.                                     nearly invisible front door.

    38 | the paris chronicles, part 3
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