Page 35 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 35

the  industry.  Album  companies,  who  once        Falcon: I think we are at a turning point. Ei-
        thought they were immune to all of this, have  ther the shakeout will continue or the fabric
        been hit hard. Several of the largest compa-        of the industry will change.
        nies have scaled back to the point that they        Francois: Any guess as to which way it will go?
        are no longer major players; in essence, they       Falcon: A little of both—and I am not being
        are barely alive.                                   funny. Much will depend on the large cam-
          Going back to that “interesting conversa-         era  companies.  Currently,  they  sell  an  in-
        tion”  you  brought  up  initially,  when  we  ap-  credible number of cameras to the so-called
        proached this company in late 2006 and early  "pro-sumer" market segment, and I am sure
        2007 with our concerns, they brushed us off.  it is profitable for them. However, if there is
        Fast  forward  to  2013,  and  they  repeated  to  to be any real change, these companies will
        me almost exactly what I had told them six  have to help push it forward. Doing just that
        years ago: We need to find a way to regulate  might  have  an  impact  on  their  bottom  line,
        the industry and set expectations within the  which  in  turn,  might  soften  their  resolve  to
        industry as to what it means to be a profes-        support change. ■
        sional. We need to do a better job educating
        clients. We need to set expectations higher.
        Francois: So, any other thoughts on your ex-
        perience at WPPI?

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