Page 34 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 34

SnapFish, a bride can take our photos, upload  our partners. Right now, they are just profes-
            them into a template, and produce her own  sional friends. But, we’ll continue to talk and
            book for what it would cost her to order a sin-     look towards forming a partnership in the
            gle 12" x 18" print from us.                        future. Interestingly enough, this situation
            Francois: As you said the last time we talked,  in  itself  is  more  than  a  little  ironic  because
            the perception is that if it's digital it should be  the reason our initial partnership didn't last
            free—or cheap, at least.                            was because we backed away from weddings,
            Falcon: Yes.                                        and because we took an unpopular stand in
            Francois: So, what's going to happen to the  the industry. While I can't say that we saw it
            industry?                                           coming, because it fell apart so quickly for us,
            Falcon: I don't know. Brenda Hipscher, our  we were immediately able to understand why.
            friend at X-Rite, has been in the industry for      Francois:  I  am  assuming—since  you  men-
            more than forty years. She thinks this is just  tioned it when last we talked—that this had to
            a phase similar to what has happened before.  do with the "digital shift," the proliferation of
            She believes the industry will rebound.             cheap digital cameras, and the lack of indus-
            Francois: I take it you don't agree?                try regulation.
            Falcon: I agree that this is not the first time     Falcon: Yes. But understand that this isn't
            the industry has been decimated, as you and I  about  adding  yet  more  government  regula-
            have previously discussed. In the past, I think  tion. It's about the fact that anyone who can
            there was a kind of natural selection at play.  buy a camera can claim to be a professional.
            For instance, if you bought yourself an Insta-      Period. There is no barrier to entry and the
            matic  camera,  and  then snapped  your  way  "buying  public"  is  largely  unaware  of  what
            through  three  or  four  roles  of  film  without  makes a good photo good. They don't know
            getting a single decent image, you were not  what to look for, and we have done nothing to
            likely to keep on wasting money. And, when  educate them.
            it came time for you to get married, based on       Francois: "Apple-ization."
            your experience, you’d most likely hire a pro-      Falcon: Yes. Backlight anything enough and
            fessional to ensure the quality of the images.      it will look good. In response to this, in 2006,
              Now,  every  digital  device  comes  with  a  we contacted Peter Atherton and pitched him
            camera  embedded,  and  most  are  quite  de-       the idea of getting the top forty to fifty wed-
            cent. Feedback is immediate. If you need to  ding photographers together at WPPI for the
            create a better image, you can do it quickly  purpose of coming to terms with the lack of
            and  cheaply—there’s  no  film  to  process.  As  certification, the lack of a barrier to entry into
            someone recently said to me, "You are a pro,  the industry, and to focus on ways we could
            you have to get it right the first time, every  educate the public. Peter's response was that
            time. I know that if I take enough photos, I  we would never get the top photographers to
            can get one, maybe two, that are good. I can  agree to such a meeting. When I asked why,
            live with that."                                    his  response  was  along  the  lines  that  they
            Francois: I understand that at the end of the  were holding their own and that the lower
            show  you  had  an  interesting  conversation  end of the market was the only segment dam-
            with one of your partners. May I ask what it  aged by what was going on.
            was  about,  and  how  it  relates  to  WPPI  and    Well, I haven't looked lately, but my guess
            our discussion here?                                is that most of these top photographers are
            Falcon:  Well,  if  it’s  the  same  conversation  no longer doing weddings—or if they are even
            I’m thinking it is, they aren’t currently one of  still in business. And this has rippled through

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